There are some ordinary products out there which we use every day that are quite expensive than their usual price tag. They are the fancy version of everyday products. Some companies produce these bizarre limited editions or one-time product that cost a bank-breaking sum.


This teapot is glammed up with 18k gold, 1658 diamonds, 386 crimson rubies, and the handle of the teapot is made from molded mammoth ivory. Yes, you read it right. Materials from the ice age were a hard task to work with but were made possible nevertheless. It is named The Egoist and is owned by N Sethina Foundation. This single teapot is worth $3 million. All the rich tea lovers probably are going crazy for this.



Yes, even pencils are made with gold and diamonds nowadays. In celebration of Faber Castell’s 204th anniversary, the Ultimate Graf von Faber-Castell Perfect Pencil was created in 2001. The Ultimate pencil is worth a staggering price of $12, 800. Thus it has claimed the title- yes, you have guessed it- the world’s most expensive pencil title.

It is made of 240-year-old olive wood. The cap is made out of 24-carat white gold and the top of the cap is studded with 3 diamonds. Only 10 of them had been produced.


Razor from space

This Zafirro Iridium razor is worth $100,000. The reason for this razor to be so expensive is because it is made from the debris of the space. Yes, you read it right. The metal is found only in the residue of meteorites. Therefore, it is a limited edition of only 99.The Zafirro do sell other less expensive razors with a good motive of reducing steel blades pollution. They are made of white sapphire blades which stay sharper than ordinary steel blades for a longer time.

Razor from space

Toilet Paper

Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t mention the popular expensive toilet paper. As you know, the ordinary toilet paper’s price had been increased during the early pandemic but we are not talking about that.

We are talking about the toilet paper that had been sold for $1.5 million per roll by Toilet Paper Man, an Australian company. Yes, you have read it right. It’s not a typing mistake. The toilet paper was made up of 24-carat gold, therefore it holds the title of the world’s most expensive toilet paper roll. According to their site, it has been delivered personally to the buyer with a bottle of champagne.

Toilet Paper

Diamond tea bag

A diamond tea bag was made by a jewelry company called Boodles in celebration of PG Tip’s 75th birthday. Designed with 100 diamonds on its side, 80 diamonds on the string, and 100 diamonds inside of the teabag. Of course, it wouldn’t be called a teabag if they didn’t add some tea leaves inside so, they have decided to put some rare expensive tea leaves inside as well. The rare tea leaves were picked from the oldest garden in India. In addition, it is priced at around $10,000, claiming the title of the world’s most expensive tea bag.

Diamond tea bag


A truly unique umbrella to say the least because it is made of crocodile skin. It is a waterproof high-quality umbrella with a price tag of $50,000. It was designed by Angelo Galasso for the Billionaire Italian Couture, the Italian luxury brand for only men. You will have no problem standing out in a crowd with this unique umbrella but we do wonder if it is heavy.


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