People with extra fat wallets love to shower themselves with expensive things, but you’ll rarely surprise anyone with a new car or a diamond ring these days. That said, if you’re in the market for some record-breaking expensive thingamajigs, you’re in luck! Here are the top 7 most expensive things in the world.

Jewel Royale Chess

The most valuable set of chess ever was sold in Britain for $9.8 million. The chess pieces are made of platinum and gold and sprinkled with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. And of course, pearls. Because, why not. The king alone weighs about 165 grams and costs $ 100,000.

Jewel Royale Chess

Transmission Audio Ultimate

This audio system consists of six panels, 2 meters high each. It’s got woofers, sub-woofers, amps, and pre-amps able to unload 500W on your dearly beloved neighbors. This audio system, made of aircraft aluminum, takes up half a room and weighs more than five tons. When all is said and done, Transmission Audio Ultimate will cost you a whopping 1,000,000 dollars.

Transmission Audio Ultimate

Joaillerie Manchette Watch

The most ridiculously-priced watch in the world looks like a bracelet made of pure white gold, decorated with 576 diamonds and 11 onyx stones. The small dial is made of silver and covered with sapphire crystal. $26 million is what you’ll need to pay for this extravagant accessory, which apparently, is a bit too much, as nobody wants to buy it.

Joaillerie Manchette Watch

History Supreme Yacht

This yacht is the most comfortable and expensive marine vessel in the whole world. Aside from the mind-boggling amount of gold used in its production, the designers used small meteorites and bones of a tyrannosaurus as ornaments. History Supreme is owned by a Malaysian businessman who acquired it for $ 4.8 billion. But seeing as gold prices are steadily growing, it’s worth much more.

History Supreme Yacht

Mayan Cigars

During excavations in Guatemala, archaeologists discovered ancient Mayan Sigras cigars. These cigars are already about 600 years old, but they are so well-preserved that you can smoke them. Some daredevil bought these cigars for 507,000 dollars.

Mayan Cigars

The World’s First Diamond Ring

This ring was created by Swiss jewelers who are famous for their craftsmanship. This particular 150-carat ring was made from a solid diamond. It looks pretty, but it’ll cost you a cool $70 million.

The World’s First Diamond Ring

Heidsieck Monopole Champagne

“Heidsieck Monopole” is a vintage champagne brand, one bottle of which was sold at an auction for 25 000. For that price, it better give a great buzz!

Heidsieck Monopole Champagne

Violin by Giuseppe Guarneri

The violin was created in 1741 by, you guessed it, Giuseppe Guarneri. In 2010, the instrument was sold for $18 million at an auction, making this violin the most expensive musical instrument on the entire planet.

Violin by Giuseppe Guarneri

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